Week 5 Where I Live
Week 6 Page Map
Week 7 Love and Romance
Week 9 Your Favourite Technique
The background is texture paste and alcohol inks simple and effective
Week 9 Pink, Black and Bling
Week 5 Where I Live
Week 6 Page Map
Week 7 Love and Romance
Week 9 Your Favourite Technique
The background is texture paste and alcohol inks simple and effective
Week 9 Pink, Black and Bling
More good news - Jonkers Toyota rang and we will have a new ute sooner than expected. A previously ordered ute is no longer required so we will now have our Cruiser at least a month and a half earlier. Mark can now stop logging onto the Toyota site to track the production of his new car. Now we can definitely go camping at Easter, Hurrah - especially as it means I can send him back off to work - double Hurrah!
The background is ditress inks and glimmermist, the grass is embossed in copper (mainly because the stamping didn't stand out much, as for that neither did the VIBRANT word rubon). The dragonfly was printed on transparency and stuck onto more misted card because it didn't stand out either. Now I've gone and really talked it up, it actually doesn't look half bad IRL.